Tentative Curriculum and Courses
The TIRM Graduate Certificate Program requires completion of fifteen (15) graduate level credits. Twelve (12) credits are in prescribed, common sequence course units, and three (3) credits are in a seminar. Course titles are:
- COM 680 Topics in TIRM
- COM 681 Telecommunication Systems and Networks
- COM 682 Telecommunication and Information Services
- COM 683 TIRM Research Methods
- COM 684 TIRM Planning and Management
Tentative TIRM Schedule for 2014-2015 (Subject to Change)
Please note that all course dates are subject to change. For updates please contact us at phone: (808) 956-0704 or email: tirm@uhtasi.orgMinimum Technical Requirements for Participants
Each TIRM participant must have:
- Personal access to a computer capable of running Safari (5.0 or higher), Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer (8.0 or higher). Media Player/QuickTime will be employed in selected class sessions (some web browsers install this by default)
- High-speed network access from personal computer; and,
- Access to a H.323 video teleconferencing system or a webcam, microphone, and appropriate video teleconferencing software (if attending from a remote location)